Tuesday 28 June 2011

Technology that would make your friends Useless

Sympathetic Virtual Friends


In a recent research, French scientists are developing virtual agent that could empathize with real humans. The agent could be taught, to identify via webcam the possible emotions of an individual looking at monitor. They will react according to the person's emotions. It could be used according to the person seeking info from the agent, if a person is getting frustrated by the wrong info he has been getting then agent would react accordingly and might calm him

"Having an agent that shows empathy can enhance the relationship between a user and an agent. The user may still not get the information, but at least they won't feel so negative from the interaction," says Pelachaud.
In addition, as part of another project, entitled CALLAS, the French scientists are looking forward to create virtual humans that could be used in interactive televisions and storytelling. One of their latest inventions is a prototype that shows the emotional interaction between the real audience and the virtual agent. The latter acts like a virtual member of the audience, being able to relate to the human audience through webcam and mic.
"The agent, through its participation of watching the movie and its display of emotion could enhance the emotional experience of the audience," says Pelachaud. She added that the human and the virtual audience respond to a virtual scenario, which involves a second virtual agent. The second virtual human walks around a kitchen where different objects randomly do fear-provoking things. As these things (such as a knife that all of a sudden stars flying towards them) take place, both real and virtual members of the audience respond with fear, and the virtual agent in the scene shows the same reaction.
The study of the French scientists is funded by the French government and European Union.

Latest Inventions:Now you can listen to their Barks

You must be wondering what your dog is barking for? Gadget that interprets dog's bark and identifies its emotion. Currently, the gadget is selling only in Japan. It is worth mentioning that Takara Tomy's latest invention was initially developed by an audio researcher and a veterinarian. The motive of the study was to understand and then convey the sound of a dog's bark. The company is have guaranteed that it will recognize 6 basics emotions of a dog. The basic version of gadget is to feature a microphone around dog's neck. There will be handheld unit that would read out the info send from microphone. The unit then identified the dog's emotion and showed the corresponding information on its screen. The current invention includes a more compact unit that incorporates a speech synthesizer that audibly informs you about the things your pet attempts to communicate. The unit also shows the information on the screen. You can even save the information for latter analyzing. This latest invention also features an answering machine function, which allows the user to track the dog's feelings when the owner is away. It is worth mentioning that in 2002, when the invention was introduced, the Time Magazine marked it as a "Best Invention of 2002." Takara Tomy even gave several Bowlinguals to Vladimir Putin for his dogs.  Up till now there has been no information about the release date of new Bowlingual in the United States. When it hit the stores in Japan, the gadget will cost about $220

Monday 27 June 2011

Technology that allows you to see through walls

Researchers from University of South Australia joins hands with Nokia to work for the technology that would enable mobile users to see through walls. They use  augmented reality (AR), this overlay the graphics on top of real video. The AR system comes in three types: X-ray Vision, Meltvision and Distortvision.
According to Dr Christian Sandor, Director of the Magic Vision Lab at UniSA, the real user prefer MeltVision over X-ray vision as it has quite appealing look, in this structures tends appear as a Melt away vision. As for Distortvision, it changes the mobile video picture so that the objects that cannot be seen "bent" so the person could see them in the image.
It would be interesting to note that the researchers have also been working on an invention that would make it possible for users to see and sense virtual objects. The new technology is called Visuo-Haptic Augmented Reality and it allows an individual to manipulate a 3D object by making use of a head mounted screen and touch-based gadgets.
Dr Christian Sandor explains: "The current method for prototyping involves the development of a 3D design using a computer, which can be viewed on screen or printed out in what is a relatively static presentation."

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Indian Inventions

Researchers from the University of South Australia in collaboration with Nokia started working on one of their latest inventions that would make it possible for users of cell phones to see through walls.  Their latest invention makes use of augmented reality (AR), being able to overlay graphics on top of real the video. The AR system comes in three types: X-ray Vision, Meltvision and Distortvision.  According to Dr Christian Sandor, Director of the Magic Vision Lab at UniSA, users prefer Meltvision over X-ray vision, due to a more appealing look, where structures appear to melt away. As for Distortvision, it changes the mobile video picture so that the objects that cannot be seen "bent" so the person could see them in the image.  It would be interesting to note that the researchers have also been working on an invention that would make it possible for users to see and sense virtual objects. The new technology is called Visuo-Haptic Augmented Reality and it allows an individual to manipulate a 3D object by making use of a head mounted screen and touch-based gadgets.

Monday 6 June 2011

Indian Inventions: Jet Man

Yves Rossy, jumped from a plane over Calais, France and flew at 200 mph crossing the English Channel in no-time of 13minutes. By using four small jet engines attached to his carbon, he climbed at 200 ft/min. He spend about 5 years in making of this jetman. This gadget will eventually launch in the market for customers but still few years to go for that day. This was his second demonstration, he has already crossed Swiss Alps that is 300km stretch. Recently he has crossed Grand Canyon through his Jet-Man and crosses 330km before opening the Parachute. "My first flight in the US is sure to be one of the most memorable experiences in my life, not only for the sheer beauty of the Grand Canyon but the honor to fly in sacred Native American lands," said Rossy.

Thursday 26 May 2011

Indian Inventions: New Tech to Plant 900,000 plants in a day

C-130 Hercules is being used by Lockheed  Martin for plantation, this aircraft was previously used as land mine dropper. The idea of UK RAF pilot Jack Walters have come into reality by military innovation company, who have managed to turn this 25 year old idea possible.

Every aircraft is equipped with all the required tools for plantation and with this each one can plant 900,000 trees in a day. The altitude at which they ll fly is about 1,000 ft at 130 knots, using the same method they ll be able to plant 3000 cones in a minute. It can't be left out without mentioning that each cone hits  the soil hard enough to bury itself into the ground. The casing of the tree bombs will dissolve itself and trees will take root, therefore providing all the necessities required for plantation and growth of the tree. At present, 2500 C-130 planes are unused in 70 countries ready for plantation and solving the problem of deforestation.

Thursday 12 May 2011

Latest Indian Inventions is Electronic Display on Clothes

The latest Inventions is in the domain of light emitting devices which will change the way humans light their houses and design clothes. The device looks like a thin film of plastic, which is able to conduct electricity and create solar power.
Scientists are still working on the international project ,which will bring the organic light emitting devices to the masses. Hence, this invention could drastically cut costs by billions of dollars each year for light emitting devices.
The size of the film is so thin, this plastic film can practically be put on any house-hold product, for example, clothing could, for the first time in history, display specific electronic information.

There are many ways of using this OLED, for example change the color of clothes, beer can would be able to display various sports results. Moreover, they are more efficient than light bulb these days.
Currently the use-cases are in mobile phones and MP3 players but these OLED are not reliable for large TV or computer screens.
In order to improve its efficiency so that later it can be launch to mass market, the international consortium of researches, Modecom, headed by the University of Bath, United Kingdom, have started a three-year project which will cost about $1,700,000.

Modecom has 13 groups from 9 universities and two companies. There are three groups from the United Kingdom, six groups from the United States and one group from China and one each from three European countries including Belgium, Italy and Denmark. Only the European countries and China will receive financial aid from the European Union.
The coordinator of Modecom is Dr Alison Walker, who represents the Department of Physics of the University of Bath. "This is a long-term project, and the contributions of many scientists are needed for its success ... Success in achieving the goals of cheap, efficient and long lasting devices is essential as we must do everything we can to reduce our energy costs," he stated